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Time and Tips to Repare Your Wooden Windows

Wooden windows are a good investment. Even if you have installed them some time ago important decision may come: replace, revive or repair. The last option is more profitable. Obviously in case of the repairable condition. Window affects your comfort during the year. We can improve a family’s quality of life by making it modern, warm, and comfortable. 617windows professionals are ready to make restoration and repair.

Why Repair, not to Replace

First of all, you save the family budget. Natural wood is much better than PVCu (plastic). Original wood windows best match historic buildings and houses. While saving the environment less waste is generated. Most of the individual parts of traditional wood windows can be repaired.

New windows for the entire house can end up costing thousands of dollars. Repair seems to be a reasonable and likely decision. Minor water leaks can lead to serious issues. Broken or cracked glass minimizes protection and security. A shattered window should be replaced. Frame parts from windows can be recovered.

Window Frame Repair and Other Parts

Unfortunately, quality windows won't last forever. Old frames can lead to high energy bills. Cold glass during the cold period is a concrete reason to take care of the replacement. Companies will boast that their products are the best ones. We propose alternative decisions – analyze and repair windows. Great money-saving option.

Pay attention to the following signs (when it is time to repair wooden windows):

  • starting to suffer material from age;
  • wooden frames are difficult to open and close;
  • visibly rotten wood;
  • lack of complex maintenance;
  • leaking problem;
  • insufficient reliability and strength.

Besides wooden frames sash sill brick molding, patio door and window screens repairs may be needed. Multiple layers of old paint failed spring, broken muntins – this type of problem (and much more) can be fixed. The outer structure of the window could be in trouble. Different solutions may be used: poor shape and studs replacement, material grinding, new painting, and varnishing. In each case, our specialist performs diagnostics, identifying the current condition and problems.

Benefit from Window Renovation

Window repairing raises energy efficiency, makes your life more comparable. Regular maintenance and spot repairs could extend the life of wooden windows for an additional long-term period. Solving foggy, repairing frames and other parts are surprisingly simple to fix. But in any case, we advise entrusting work and leaving it to professionals. Our company could get advice on repairing and replacing windows in different types of buildings.

Remember: most wood double-hung heritage windows can be repaired, replaced, revived, and upgraded. Don’t hurry up to spend your money. If you have such problems, consult an expert.

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